In this
article, they use the argument that parents have a major impact on their
students education. When parents are involved in their children’s studies and classroom,
they can encourage their children to get engaged in their education. This also
gives parents the perfect opportunity to see their children in the classroom first
hand and know how to help their children succeed. They mention that the best
way for parents to help their children is by creating a good environment at
home and encouraging their students to learn. To prove their credibility, they
used sources from appropriate studies from Ingram, Lieberman, and Wolfe. The
audience is directed to teachers on how to best help their students learn from
parents at home. The audience is stated when the author introduces himself as a
person who cares about children and wants to help solve the gap between parent
involvement in education.
“Parent Involvement
in Elementary Education Essay - 3255 Words.” StudyMode - Premium and Free
Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes, 2008,
article talked about engaging students by working through dead time. Dead time
is when kids stop paying attention and “zone out” so to speak. The article
gives 10 reasons to help involve students in classrooms. Some of these include
mind warm-ups, student collaboration, mixing up teaching styles, and create
team work tactics in a classroom. The audience for this article is obviously
towards teachers. It is explaining to teachers what they can do to keep their
student engaged in lessons and help them find ways to better their teaching
skills. An example of this audience is in the introduction of thee article. The
author writes about how normal it is for teachers to physically see their
students zone out and fall into that dead time of a lesson. This specifically
states who the audience is, and gets teachers hooked into the article because
it is something that all teachers have experienced before.
Frondeville, Tristan D. “How to Keep Kids Engaged in Class.”
Edutopia, George Lucas Educational Foundation, 2009,